It’s back to school for many of us. A major event, especially for those first-time kindergarteners, is selecting the perfect backpack. We try to buy higher quality bags that will endure multiple years. The second event is filling that backpack with the necessary supplies the teacher puts on the list needed for a year of learning: paper, highlighters, folders, kleenex etc. Oftentimes, certain or specialty items are hard to find due to availability or price. A pack of gluesticks, no problem, but that graphing calculator for higher levels of high school math...yikes! Either way, parents and students have to ask themselves: Do I have what I need in my backpack to succeed this year? Do I have enough room? What’s missing from the list? What needs to be adjusted? What happens when these supplies are gone? In leadership, I wish there was a supplies list for what lies ahead-- just 17 checkboxes that once checked would ensure you had all you needed for success. I’m not quite sure what exactly you’ll need in this season of leadership, but here may be a few basics: Vision, Clarity, Hope, Goals, Pace, Grit, Balance. As a coach, I’d like to ask you: WHAT’S IN YOUR BACKPACK? WHAT’S MISSING? WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DEVELOP, REMEMBER, OR LEARN? Coaching conversations are great environments to stop, consider, and explore your answers to these questions. The answers I’ll help you uncover will help you move forward equipped, confident, and ready for whatever comes next.