The journey of leadership is filled with challenging obstacles and the deep satisfaction that comes from overcoming them with newly discovered strength. A leader doesn’t have to lead for long to come to the realization that leadership is both fulfilling and draining at the same time. Open doors of opportunity are exciting, but it’s frustrating when doors won’t open, don’t open, or are just plain slammed shut!
Leaders often feel like they aren’t functioning at their full potential. When this occurs, options seem limited and opportunities to move forward seem unrealistic. Leaders quickly feel stuck and inadequate--like the keys they have don’t match the locks they encounter in the ever-changing landscape of modern leadership.
What would it feel like to unlock the potential of your leadership? Leaders all over the world are using Coaching to explore ways to keep moving forward while discovering new approaches and solutions in their leadership journey.
Here are 4 doors that Coaching can unlock enabling leaders to reach their full potential:
ISOLATION. Leadership can be a lonely place. It’s easy to become isolated either by distance or circumstance. The room seems to be closing in when there’s no one to talk to, laugh with or turn to for support. The impact of isolation resonates across the globe as Gallup reports “In countries all over the world, millions of people experience loneliness in their daily lives. Research shows that loneliness is associated with elevated risk for a wide range of physical and mental health conditions.” And “feeling lonely can become a persistent and pervasive part of life, casting a vast shadow that can affect their physical and emotional health.”
The key that unlocks the isolation door is connection. This seems obvious, but leaders find it very difficult to authentically connect. After all, if the leader is supposed to fix the problems of the organization, who does the leader turn to for their own problems? Many leaders are leveraging the power of Coaching to create space where they don’t have to fix, they can just authentically connect. The confidential coaching relationship is built on both connection and possibilities. Connecting with another leader outside the box, but in your corner, is a powerful dynamic.
IMPOSTER. When looking at their inner world and their leadership image, there’s often a stark contrast. Leaders struggle with feelings like they’re always in the wrong spot and focusing on the wrong things. There’s pressure to appear that life is all under control, when in reality, things are spiraling. Anyone in leadership can identify with these tendencies. A leader can feel fake and can put on that smiling mask at any time. This shouts loudest when leaders are faced with chaos in their personal lives while trying to bring calm to the storms of others. How can I help them with their issue, when I’ve got issues of my own? When leaders feel like an imposter it’s often because they feel like they need to fulfill the role of being the pioneer, the expert, or the superhero. Add the perfectionistic tendencies that many leaders shoulder, and leaders feel fake and frozen. This is how imposter shows up in leadership.
The key that unlocks the imposter door is calling. Remembering and focusing on the origins of our calling and God-given purpose sheds some light on the dark mask of feeling like an imposter. Leaders should have the opportunity to deflate the pressure of us being the only one that responds, answers, and fixes. A leader's calling reminds them that they are already equipped with leadership skills necessary for the work in front of them. There’s also space to be able to discover and develop ways to grow healthier in our leadership. Coaching exposes the imposter that stands in the way of reaching our full potential. Through Coaching, leaders can rediscover the power of calling and work through ways to express it in their current context. A coach comes alongside not to fix, but to remain with the leader as they move forward to reach their full potential. This is the role and calling of a coach.
INFLUENCE. Leadership is all about influence. John Maxwell says “the true measure of leadership is influence.” The arena where our calling is expressed is within various circles of influence. There’s pressure for many leaders, especially in non-profits, to be that magnetic personality that takes control of the room. Though leaders are not all wired the same, they share a common desire to make a difference. What happens often, is that leaders don’t realize how to leverage influence to make that impact they feel their potential can make.
The key that unlocks the influence door is community. We know leadership can be isolating. Leaders are able to leverage their influence in the context of community. Leaders need each other, and there’s a powerful energy when a group of leaders gather in one room. There’s comradery and mutual understanding in meaningful communities. Some leaders, however, are not able to attend these group gatherings. Here’s where the one on one component of Coaching can shine. Engaging in coaching conversations gives the space for influence to be cultivated and then leveraged so leaders can reach their full potential all in the context of community. There is a great community where leaders flourish at coaching.ag.org. Ministers, lay leaders, coaches, and those considering coaching form a diverse community where influence can thrive.
INNOVATION. Leaders can fall into a rut when it comes to innovation. To innovate means “to make changes, or do something in a new way.” The reality is that simply meeting every week’s expectations can be consuming, leaving little room for creativity. The appeal of another organization’s graphics and programs can leave leaders feeling intimidated when they compare their “run of the mill” projects. It’s easy to get inspired to try something new, but to authentically translate that inspiration into action takes some innovation. Leaders who experience Coaching often recognize that they’re more creative then they thought, especially when they dedicate time and space to dream, create, and experiment with the change they find so inspiring.
The key that unlocks the Innovation door is collaboration. Collaboration is “the action of working with someone to produce or create something.” The coaching relationship is built on collaboration. The coach’s role is not to fix and create, rather a coach is there to draw out awareness and inspiration that already lies within the heart of the leader. There’s a powerful dynamic in a coaching conversation because there is a together mindset. One coach said to their client who was considering making a change, “If you’re wrong ... we'll be wrong together!” Leaders are finding that when given the opportunity to innovate through a collaborative environment, that the creative lid is lifted, creating limitless possibilities and most of all hope for a better future. Innovation then has the space to breathe again. Consider your coach, your collaborative thought partner, truly a co-laborer, as you dream, innovate, and create a new version of your leadership that is thriving at the next level.
There are many more keys that leaders are finding as they’ve tapped into the power of coaching. But, to summarize, unlock your leadership potential by using Coaching to address the trouble areas of isolation, imposter, influence, and innovation. Reach your full potential by leveraging the power of connection, calling, community, and collaboration. So what’s your next step? How can you reach your full potential? First, would you reach out to other members of your team, leaders in your network, or friends in your circle. Leadership should not be done alone. Take another step and reach out to schedule a free curiosity call on how Coaching can unlock your potential at https://calendly.com/reachcoacheric/coaching-call
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