WHAT’S VISIBLE? <VS> WHAT’S P O S S I B L E? Climbing trees continues to offer so much enjoyment for kids. There’s something about taking on the challenge that excites us to accomplish something that results in us gaining a new perspective. Tree climbing is accomplished by simply reaching for the next branch visible and making continual progress to make it to the top. Through experience and practice, a child can even memorize which branches are the best to use. When comparing this to our lives, it’s easy for us to fall back on what we’ve experienced, using the visible branches to climb our way through this tree called life. We develop routines and patterns that help us make progress every day. We must also realize there are OTHER BRANCHES that may be better options, it’s just that they haven’t been discovered yet because we can’t SEE them. A trusted coach sees from a different perspective and can ask you, “What about THAT branch?” or "Is there another branch you haven't tried?" or “What would be possible if you pursued THAT option?” While you may not have considered other possibilities in your ascent up the tree, Coaching positions you to move more toward what’s POSSIBLE than what’s just visible! As a coach, I help leaders discover what’s possible. The view from the top is amazing. Let’s get there together!