IN THIS SEASON, I REFLECT ON THE MANY REASONS I HAVE TO BE THANKFUL. We are cultivating a family habit each week called, “Thankful Thursdays.” Every week, on Thursday, we write on small paper circles something each of us are thankful for and place it on a small decorative tree near our table. It has a spot for 4 things for each month. After each month we place the paper circles on a long string on our wall as seen in the picture. There are 6 in our family, so by the end of the year we have a visual reminder of the 300+ things we are thankful for. This helps keep our family focused on a lifestyle of thanksgiving. We were thankful for things ranging from safety, food, activities, opportunities, provision, healing, and so much more.
I am so thankful for the blessing and significance of family.
I AM ALSO REFLECTING ON AREAS OF THANKFULNESS IN THE AREA OF COACHING. I am thankful for opportunities I’ve had to connect with other like-minded leaders in diverse cultural contexts. Applying for and receiving my ACC international coaching certificate through the ICF was a significant accomplishment. Another great opportunity I had was to hold a coaching workshop on cross-cultural values. Overall, experiencing clarity and growth as a coach was a key area for my development. I am thankful for the experiences that I continue to have as I lean forward with leaders as they make cross-cultural connections with Clarity, Confidence, and Consistency. “Thank you” to all who I’ve been a part of the journey this year.
We’re just getting started! Leaning Forward with you!