“How is this even possible?” is what comes to mind when I came across an amazing video on social media that showed a large quarry boulder being cut by a master artisan and rock splitter, TezCan AHmet in Turkey. Watching the two-minute video of his masterful display of tireless perseverance is inspiring. Oftentimes in life, we face just as challenging tasks as splitting a multi-ton rock in half by hand. Here are some powerful components to persevering when life is tough and goals are hard:
1.Discovery. Through experience this rock-splitter must familiarize himself with the details of the rock’s shape, contour, and veining. He must discover his approach to overcoming and splitting this enormous boulder. Discovery reveals opportunities and possibilities that were originally hidden. Now a strategy appears to make splitting the boulder a reality.
2.Strategy. Discovery reveals a strategy. Pounding on that boulder all day isn’t sustainable or effective. Instead, the artisan strategically pounds in several wedges in specific locations of the boulder. The strategy is slow, but results are proven. Now in place, the row of wedges create a system of powerful possibilities.
3.Consistency. Consistent action now comes in to put in the work to complete the task. The rock-splitter consistently strikes the wedges at strategic locations. The artisan is working, observing, listening, and expecting that his consistent effort will accomplish his goal of splitting that boulder. Having the stamina to stick to the strategy is hard work. Perseverance shows up when motivation doesn’t, but it takes consistency.
Like TezCan AHmet, we can persevere through the challenges of life as well as the goals we put in place to meet them by putting into place these key components: Discovery, Strategy, and Consistency.
-What’s your boulder?
-What goals are you pounding away at?
-What are some possible strategies?
-Where is your consistency lacking?
A coaching call is a great place to discover the perseverance you need to pound away at the goals that you want. Video cred: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=582820069447105