“There was once a prince who became a master archer. Pridefully, he believes he’s the finest archer in the world until when on a journey he came upon a small town to get something to drink at the local inn. The prince sees a barn with painted targets along the entire side of the barn. And, there is a single arrow, dead center in every target on the barn.How could such a master archer be living in this small town? Finally, the prince sees this young boy and asks him. “It was me,” says the boy. “Show me,” demands the prince.They stand. The boy takes aim. The boy hits the side of the barn, far away from any of the targets. Then, the boy runs into the barn. He emerges with a brush and a can of paint. He paints a solid circle around the arrow he has just shot, then two more circles to form a target.” --The saying is true -->If we aim for nothing...we’ll hit it everytime←. Don’t be like the novice who just shoots at random and then calls it the target. Coaching can help clarify the important targets to aim for. Through coaching conversations, leaders create specific action that aims with intentional purpose at a specific target.