Opening Day ⚾ - Ahh! The opening day for the pro baseball season. All teams, regardless of their success or disappointment of seasons in the past, have a fresh start today. The stats are blank, the score is even, and the fields are ready. Playing baseball in the spring as a teen in the Chicago area was always an exciting time. Spring has sprung around us and we experience fresh starts at every turn. The grass is getting greener and flowers have begun to bloom. Sitting in an office, some may feel like all these fresh starts and new opportunities look great and all, but there’s this overwhelming pressure of feeling stuck in an office. Things in our life and leadership may feel like nothing’s growing, nothing’s moving, and nothing’s working. There’s something within us that longs for newness.
We long for a fresh start, but don’t even know where to begin. Like baseball players, that fresh start, whether they feel ready or not, starts today! This date on the calendar was set by the baseball league and its teams. As leaders, we also operate in seasons, projects, and set schedules. There are also times and seasons when we must decide what to do to determine the starting point of moving forward with more clarity, balance, or strength. That first baseball game back won’t go perfectly, they seldom do. But on this opening day of baseball, would you stop to consider some questions before the “first pitch.”
❓Is there a fresh start that’s already set into motion on your horizon?
❓How have you prepared for a new season?
❓Where in your life do you long for a fresh start?
As a COACH who comes alongside leaders to help them adopt a posture of leaning forward in life and leadership, I’d love to have a conversation about your next fresh start. Schedule a free Curiosity Call on my calendar Let’s Lean Forward Together.