In a recent orthodontist appointment [not one of OUR pictures] , I made a powerful observation on coaching. To really see what was going on / going wrong inside the mouth, the doctor has to take a close look. The process is painful, awkward, and uncomfortable, but it is focused on correcting what has gone wrong over the years. Though it’s a tough appointment, it’s an opportunity to learn and grow. The decision to move forward is basically up to the patient. The process to correct the problem, shouldn’t be easy...but it will be worth it. In coaching conversations, clients “open-up” and expose recent or ongoing issues that have caused misalignment. The coach, however, is not the expert. Clients make the relevant adjustments and action -- a very powerful distinction. What about you? What are some areas of misalignment? When’s the last time you’ve opened up to someone about the problems you’re facing? Coachingconversations are great opportunities for alignment. And you can even make an appointment
