THE CHEAPER AND QUICKER OPTION COULD NOT GIVE US THE SOLUTION WE NEEDED. We dealt with this reality on a recent Orthodontics adventure in our family. The teeth had grown out of alignment and needed some professional attention. After several consultations, one option that emerged would have been a process that was half the time and a quarter of the cost. This cheaper option would address just some of the issue while focusing on minor yet gradual adjustments. We soon discovered that this option would not be the effective solution for the issue. We had to pursue typical orthodontics coupled with the removal of teeth that would hinder the progress moving forward. In 20 years of leadership, I’ve seen leaders address major issues through internal minor adjustments while ignoring the deeper issues that need to be corrected. There are times that, in order to move forward, you need to reach out to a professional who paints a picture of success, endures a process with you, and provides the framework for you to move forward. Coaching conversations are ideal environments to identify what’s wrong, explore solutions, and focus on a future that is more aligned with our purpose. Leaders who pursue coaching discover that it is truly a transformational process that is worth the investment.