GPS - where do I start? On our recent family vacation we used GPS navigation to travel through busy traffic to arrive at our desired destinations. I was familiar with the general route and direction and understood what interstates I needed to take. When you’re exiting the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant, I wonder this… “I know where I’m headed basically, but what are the first steps or directions to get started?” I will admit this caused some stress within me, with my co-pilot, and even felt throughout the van. Can you relate? We have a destination in mind. We know where we should be heading basically. We know the route and the steps to make it happen. BUT WHERE DO I START? GPS is great, but where am I at right now? What’s the first move? Coaching conversations are critical in those early stages because they help clients start off with the right action for the first move on their journey of success. Where do you want to go? What’s your first move?