Over the summer our family has been doing nightly games to determine chore choices for the next day (getting chores done + family connection = WIN ). Part of our experience included Nintendo Wii games for some interesting challenges. One challenge included Golf. For those unfamiliar, you use the Wii controller and actually swing as if swinging a golf club. It’s handy that there’s some gauges and maps to help you know how to swing in order to get the lowest score possible. You can determine slope, wind speed, yards to go, and club distance. Well, one of our challengers discovered there’s a code that makes all these helping tools disappear. That’s right, you have to swing at it with no help or insight as to the course conditions. To say that this was a challenge was a huge understatement, especially when we usually rely on these tools to get the best score. And let me remind you chore choices were on the line, and who wants to do dishes?
Through this experience, I had a big “AHA” moment as it relates to coaching leaders desiring to make long-term cross-cultural connections. Intercultural work can be compared to taking your best shot without any insights, maps, or gauges. What if there were some tools and guides that were visible and reliable that would allow the global worker to take the best shot possible in making cross-cultural connections?
Well, I’ve come across such a tool that global workers can use that is visible, reliable, and do-able in any context. The Cross Cultural Values Self Assessment (CCVSA) is a great tool that can serve as a guide in diverse cultural contexts and can endure year after year. The assessment accessible online at Dancing Between Cultures. It’s an ungraded sliding-scale self assessment that determines which way you lean when considering cross-cultural values such as Time/Event, Autonomy/Community, and more. Applying learnings gained by being coached using the assessment helps workers make adjustments to attitude and approaches in making long-term cross-cultural connections. I’d love to share more about this great resource in a free Curiosity Call that can be booked at https://calendly.com/reachcoacheric/coaching-call