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Explore YOUR Potential (2 of 3)


Explore →YOUR← Potential.

Some think coaching is about the expertise of the coach. It’s not. Coaching is client-centered. The emphasis is on YOUR movement forward. There is commonality and connection that coaches and clients experience amidst as they navigate the realities of modern-day leadership. However, the coaching conversation is not about the experience and advice that the coach brings to the conversation. Using a road trip metaphor-- as a coach, I am not the driver, my client is. I sit alongside my clients as a passenger guiding the conversation with the client’s destination in mind. I ask questions to further explore relevant issues, help identify any possible blindspots, and create awareness. The best part is that the result of the conversation is about YOUR priorities, YOUR goals, and YOUR action. The successes that clients experience come not from the coach’s expertise, but from the awareness that develops into self-discovered and self-driven action. Yes, Coaching is about YOUR unlimited potential. When’s the last time you spent time in a conversation about what’s going on in YOUR world? Let’s “Explore YOUR Potential!” Consider scheduling a free Curiosity Call over at

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