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Equation for Change


WOAH! I KNOW, WHAT DOES ALL THAT MEAN? Read on→ I am quick to admit that once math introduced letters to math equations, my brain overloaded. Math using numbers was fine, but then they just had to start plugging in letters to math problems. This equation looks complicated but it is powerful once applied. Let me explain what is known as the Gleicher-Dannemiller Change Equation.

(C)HANGE. We all want change and we all can recognize the challenges of moving forward. You don’t have to be a mathematician to admit that resistance to change is familiar territory for all of us. This equation is a visual example of what is required to actually experience change.

(R)ESISTANCE. Change is part of growth, and growth is painful. The pain of growth is often what intimidates us. Dwelling on that pain allows resistance to build up. This resistance may include fear, cost, intimidation, familiar patterns, or long-held habits. To truly change, one must face this resistance with honesty and courage. Bringing that tension of what’s holding you back is a great topic to bring into the safe environment of a coaching conversation. The resistance is powerful, but it can be overcome when you consider the other factors of the equation.

Notice in this equation, you do not see addition-- it is all multiplication. Resistance to change can be overcome by leveraging the power of multiplication. Just adding in “one more thing” is not part of the solution. Also, notice the > sign (greater than, if you need a refresher). Multiplying three key factors builds a tremendous amount of momentum that is quick to overpower the resistance that often seems insurmountable.

(D)ISSATISFACTION. Motivation to change often starts with dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction can come in the form of frustration, stress, disconnection, or settling for mediocrity. These all contribute to this feeling that causes the human soul to reach out for something better. Sadly, many we come into contact with each day appear so dissatisfied. Feeling dissatisfied hinders relationships, adds to work pressure, and can cripple the motivation of many leaders. The cost of NOT acting here can be more costly than just staying the same. Dissatisfaction alone cannot overcome the resistance. It must be multiplied by the vision factor.

(V)ISION. We need a vision of a new future to help us create a new pathway. Maybe it’s eating healthier, committing to seasons of rest, prioritizing family time, or even a big goal. We need to have a longer vision beyond our current struggle or difficulty. Having a relevant and compelling vision is like a superpower that leaders can leverage to be able to experience lasting change. Many cannot offer an answer when asked what their vision is to be able to move forward into the life they truly want to live. Often, leaders have a vision for personal and team growth, but fail to know where to actually start. This is a huge frustration point. Dissatisfaction multiplied by a new Vision is only part of the equation. All this is theory unless it can be experienced practically from a fixed starting point.

(F)IRST STEPS. Relevant first steps find their traction in the dissatisfaction of current realities. They also stand firm on the solid ground of a compelling vision. It’s easy to notice the resistance and to become dissatisfied. Vision can be developed if leaders are committed to it. But without first steps, leaders can get stuck and can feel like they're just spinning their wheels. First steps could include: sending that email, exploring new opportunities, beginning a healthy habit, or making a final decision. What could be a first step for you? I’d love to explore that with you. I want to support you as you lean forward into the change that you were meant to experience.

This equation leverages the power of multiplication to step into sustained change.

The COACHING I offer leverages not only this equation, but also the power of partnership. When taking on a project, just adding two people together doesn’t always get the best return for effort. Multiplying the power of two people working on the same thing with the same vision, strategy, and purpose results in synergy where long-term change is experienced. As a coach, I am a supportive and collaborative thought partner. I listen, ask questions, check your “blindspots,” and support the change that you desire. Let’s take on the resistance together and develop a life-posture of leaning forward into your life and leadership.

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