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Cohort Coach


This year, I am involved in a monthly church health cohort with other ministry leaders. I put this resource together to help move us from content into reality. Though the flavor of this resource is directed to participants in the church health cohort, the principles can be applied to ANY conference or workshop where new ideas are being shared, yet there's disconnect into practical application to real life and leadership. Consider this a template to promote action for leaders:

Do you want to make progress in these areas of church health (insert topic)

but find it hard to follow through…

with the concepts and ideas shared in our dynamic monthly cohorts?

Many times we can walk away with tons of content, but only ounces of intentional action and follow-through to make the God-birthed ideas and dreams become reality.

Eric Stender, associate pastor at Assembly of God, Mason City, IL is offering coaching for participants in the Church Health Cohort. Eric is an internationally certified coach with the International Coaching Federation. He invites ministry leaders to experience coaching--

a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. A coach is not the expert, but a collaborative ally and thought partner in the change you’re inspired to make for the Kingdom.

Cohort participants might consider these questions to help them follow through with

relevant action steps needed to experience long-term changes that promote church health.

  1. What is the top take-away from the content of this month’s cohort?

  2. What were some “AHA” moments the Lord showed you?

  3. What would you like to try if you knew it wouldn’t fail in this area?

  4. What action points are do-able in the next month? 90 days?

  5. What dreams did the content shared awaken within you?

  6. How could you develop and empower a team to make progress in this topic?

  7. Who is a key personal connection that can be leveraged to make progress in this area?

  8. What does progress look like for your church on this topic?

  9. What would need to change in or in your leaders to experience growth in this area?

  10. What about this topic could be simplified in order to make strategic progress?

Use this as a discussion guide after a cohort or conference with your team. Process this personally or in a coaching conversation over Zoom with me. I’d love to be considered your “cohort follow-through coach” to help you keep moving forward! Let’s get healthy together!

Connect over phone (217)414-4018 or Email:

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