Coaching Toward Freedom - 5 Freedoms that Coaching can help create
||Freedom to CHOOSE your perspective, attitude, posture LEANING FORWARD. Coaching offers an environment where perspectives can be expressed and explored. What is often discovered in the coaching process is the realization of the option to choose attitudes and postures that help bring forward movement despite circumstances.
||Freedom to get UNSTUCK. Feeling stuck is inevitable in life and leadership. When a vehicle gets stuck, outside help is needed. Coaching conversations can be the help needed to be able to be focused on forward movement. The awareness that is uncovered while exploring through the situations that leave us feeling stuck leads to clarity and a pathway forward in the right direction.
||Freedom to DISCOVER new realities, replacing an old story with a new narrative. Often we build our lives on old stories that are no longer significant or meaningful. Through Coaching, new realities can be experienced because there is a newly discovered freedom to craft new narratives that provide significance and direction.
||Freedom to FOCUS with purpose and intentionality. Reaching out to a coach takes some intentionality. It requires becoming vulnerable and honest with where we are, but that is not where we stay. Coaching conversations provide a setting where focus and purpose can thrive. We make intentional decisions that fuel our purpose and help us develop and sustain forward progress in our life and leadership.
||Freedom to CREATE your ideal future through tough choices and consistent action. Oftentimes we know what we might need to do, but there is this nagging voice that intimidates into believing that we don’t have what it takes to experience sustained change. It takes time to create. Through coaching partnerships give the time and space to make tough choices and commit to consistent action.
I’ve experienced firsthand the freedom Coaching helps create in life and leadership. Discover for yourself this freedom by booking a FREE Curiosity call on my Calendar. Connect with me online at coacheric.me [PHOTO CRED: unsplash.com]