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Welcome to our website! We're choosing to lean forward in our family, in leadership, and in our community and culture. Leaning forward represents a life-posture of attentiveness, expectancy, and readiness for both what’s in front of us now and for what’s coming. Think of times you’ve been on the “edge of your seat” in a live or on TV sporting event, concert, service, or conference--you’re eager to absorb all that the experience has to offer. That’s the life I want to live, the leaning-forward-life.
Our LEANING FORWARD.LIFE includes the following tabs: Coaching, Creatives, and Global.
Since 2002, we've lived in rural Mason City, IL serving in church ministry, local schools, and community efforts.
We are Eric & Christine, Abby, Elijah, Caleb, and Bethany.
We love vacations, basketball, and mini-golf.

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